Legal Representation for Selling a Cooperative Unit

Real Estate Attorney NYC

Legal Representation for Selling a Cooperative Unit

Attorney for your (cooperative) co-op purchase

Is recommended that when a seller commences the process of selling its unit, legal representation should be immediately obtained. Furthermore, when dealing with cooperative units, it becomes mandatory that your legal professional has experience in dealing with cooperative units. It is not good enough that an attorney has experience in dealing with “home” sales/homeowners associations/condominiums/multifamily, etc…… You need an attorney who deals with cooperatives. Cooperative units are extremely unique in nature and require the experience of counsel that have dealt in cooperative units and have mastered the Cooperative selling process

There is no doubt that prospective Sellers ought to hire a real estate attorney prior to signing an agreement. The Attorney General highly recommends that this always be done and from a financial standpoint, doing so eliminates much risk that is inherent in the sale transaction. For many people, selling property can be a major financial decision. Legal protection and representation is essential to making the sale transaction sound. Ultimately, with an Attorney at service, terms and conditions of Contracts can be carefully crafted to serve the best interests of prospective Seller. Nothing should be put in writing prior to having the legal advice of an attorney, as doing so may create an unintentional, binding Contract for a Seller. Often a Real Estate Broker will ask Sellers to sign a Purchaser’s “offer” or even a “contract.” This should NOT be done without legal representation. Kishner & Miller will guide you through every step in the sale process. Given a cost-benefit analysis of an Attorney’s responsibility in a standard real estate sale, it is clear that Sellers of a property really must have an Attorney. In nearly every residential real estate transaction, of all the third-party individuals sitting around the Closing table (e.g. brokers, agents, insurers, etc.) it is the Attorney(s) who will have the largest workload, will take on the most responsibility for ensuring that all documents are in order, and many times get paid the least amount of money.

Kishner & Miller will promptly return calls or emails and always willing to meet in person upon request. It is important to find an Attorney that will treat clients’ deals as if it were their own. Kishner & Miller treat you like family.